Well, the start of our year was postponed for a few months, but 2020 is now the year I launched this shiny new website!
It’s been a long time coming. Believe me, becoming a charted architect takes a long time and an even longer time if you study part-time like I did. But now, after 20 years in the industry, I’m a fully paid-up member of the RIBA and I thought a new website would be a great way to celebrate and reach out to more of you good people.

I’m new to blogging, but I’m hoping this is something I can really get into as I’d really like the wider world to know what it’s like being a self-employed, Hull-based architect. Not that it’s directly fascinating, but I still feel that lots of the public see architects a bit like lawyers or solicitors (people who’ll bill you for a phone call) and I’d really like to break down any barriers that might be there.
When you’ve studied both, you realise that design is a lot like music, and a good designer is a lot like a good composer. There are rules, like scales and keys and things need to be balanced, in tune, and played at an appropriate volume. When you start to realise that our eyes work a lot like our ears, the effect a good designer can have makes a bit more sense. I’ve been playing the guitar for 25 years, maybe you’ve never touched one, but I’m still certain that if I played my guitar out of tune, you’d know instantly. What I’m here to do is make sure all the designs you pay for are in tune. You’d think it was crazy to get a person to play at your wedding that couldn’t play in tune, but all too often people spend thousands constructing expensive buildings that are full of bum notes, and that’s something I’m determined to fix.
I’m really looking forward to making sweet music with even more people.